Bats Have Returned - But They Need Help
15-Nov-2012 Filed in: Brisbane
As an apartment-dwelling Brisbanite, it’s always great to see local wildlife returning into the heart of the city. With the arrival of the spring breeding season, there are once again hundreds of flying foxes passing by my building every evening at dusk. I’m dismayed that many people, my wife included, don’t like bats - they find them creepy and somewhat ominous. They are kind of noisy when they squabble, and I admit their musky pheromone smell can be overpowering when they’re close. However, my first apartment here overlooked a small garden on the balcony below, where bats were frequent visitors. Read More...

Thanks Brisbane for another spectacular Riverfire
29-Sep-2012 Filed in: Brisbane
It’s that time of year again, when the city puts on a spectacular finale to the Brisbane Festival. The RAAF F-111s, with their fiery “dump and burn” may have gone, but the Royal Australian Air Force still has a few tricks up its sleeve - sending in their newest F-18F Super Hornet jets dumping flares as a signal to kick off the main event. Read More...

Queensland Floods
19-Jan-2011 Filed in: Travels
These past few weeks have been among the most interesting since I've been back in Brisbane. Firstly, it was two months of constant rain and occasional wild weather. Brisbane was more like Wellington in NZ (famous for its inclement weather) than a tropical paradise. Then, finally, when the weather cleared we had the floods hit. Read More...